Never Too Late
“It is never too late. Get with it,” said Ophelia White, a 94-year-old woman who accepted Christ and was baptized in Ruston, Louisiana. White thought that she was a believer her whole life until her roommate told her about the gospel and realized that she did not have a personal relationship with Christ. There are two things we can learn from White. First, it is not too late to do anything. We often put limits on ourselves based on age, thinking that we’ve lost an opportunity to start something new. White clearly demonstrates that it is not too late to accept Jesus Christ. Another example I want to give you is about Leighton Ford, the founder of Arrow Leadership. Ford just celebrated his 85th birthday, and Arrow Leadership is celebrating its 25th anniversary. That means that Ford started Arrow Leadership when he was 60-years-old. Many think that you are too old at age 60, but once again, Ford demonstrated that it is never too late. The second lesson we learn from White is that we should never give up on a person. Praying for people to be saved can take a very long time. Do not give up — on the person you are praying for or on God! Remember Jesus’ teaching about the persistent widow: we should always pray and not give up (Luke 18:1). As we are writing a new chapter at The Well Church, let us remember these two lessons: 1) It’s never too late for God and 2) Do not give up on God. God will do amazing things through us, if we are willing and able to follow God. I believe!