Fasting and Prayer
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and we will be worshipping with Palm branches, singing “Hosanna!” It is the day when Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem. The atmosphere was jubilant praise, and my prayer is that we can duplicate the energy that filled Jerusalem in our service. This can only be done when all of us are involved with the worship service, so come early with great expectations! Palm Sunday is also the beginning of Holy Week, also known as Passion Week. Passion Week is described in all four gospels — Matthew chapters 21-27; Mark chapters 11-15; Luke chapters 19-23; and John chapters 12-19. I encourage you to read the gospel accounts to get the sense of significance of Holy Week. As we approach Holy Week this year, I am sensing that we should fast together as a church during Holy Week. Holy Week is a sacred time of divine grace and it gives us the opportunity to remove the things of the world from our souls and make room for the joy of Easter. I will share more on how we can corporately fast next week, but let us prepare our body, soul, and mind this week with prayer and petition, seeking from the Holy Spirit what areas of our lives we can limit in an attitude of worship and praise.