What is your passion?

One of the many privileges I have is getting to work with great executive coaches. I got to spend time with a coach from the Toronto area a few weeks ago and she asked me a relatively simple question that provoked my thinking for several weeks. She asked, “Jay, can you tell me what your passion is in seven words?” At first I thought it would be easy to answer. Two words immediately popped in my head — Leadership Development. After all, I was called into ministry because of my passion for leadership development. The challenging part was that I could only come up with two words, not seven. I needed more time to refine my answer. Sensing that I was not able to answer her right away she said that as leaders, we should not only focus on leading others but we need to also focus on leading ourselves. This seven-word passion statement is a good start in making sure that you are taking care of yourself. It helps to evaluate whether you are operating in your sweet spot or not. Although my passion statement is still a work-in-progress, I wanted to share it with you — “Developing leaders for the Kingdom of God.” I share this with you as your pastor so that we can be accountable with one another. So, let me ask you, “What is your passion in seven words?”


The Book of James


Let Your Light Shine