
I had lunch with a good pastor friend this Wednesday. We were supposed to get together at 1:00 pm, and my friend who is always prompt was not at the restaurant. He called me and said that he was backed up in traffic. Twenty minutes later he texted me and said that he had not moved at all. Then he said, “I think the devil thinks our meeting is like a UN meeting or something.” I half-jokingly said, “I rebuke his plans in the Name of Jesus!” To be honest, I was thinking about rescheduling the lunch. He showed up 15 minutes later. He said, “The minute you said that prayer, traffic started to move.” I was immediately convicted by the Holy Spirit. Did I want my friend to come soon? Yes. Did I believe that the devil was behind the delay? Not really. Did I believe my prayer was genuine? No. However, the prayer did work, God listened, and our lunch meeting was not cancelled. The meeting was such a good meeting for my soul. Had the meeting been cancelled, I would have missed out on some deep soul feeding conversations. Scripture says that we should pray in the Spirit on all occasions. Because of my lack of faith, I almost missed an important meeting. However, God, in His loving kindness, listened to my “half-prayer.” I learned a powerful lesson this Wednesday. Church, let us pray for each other on all occasions. There is no such thing as a small prayer.  “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people” (Ephesians 6:18).


Pokemon Go


A Little Nudge