A New Beginning...
Today is the last Sunday of August, which means that when we get together next Sunday, we will be beginning a new chapter at The Well. As I announced a few weeks ago, The Well will be operating as an independent church on September 1, 2016. So, what does this mean? It means that we are responsible for every aspect of our church. In today’s Pastor’s Corner, I want to focus on three key areas: Worship, Nurture, and Mission. All of us are responsible for worship, not just the praise team, ushers, and pastor. If worship seems dull, let’s examine our hearts to make sure that we have entered God’s house with the right attitude — an expectation to meet God. Nurture includes both physical and spiritual nurture. So, instead of not being satisfied with the quality of our fellowship, let us make sure that we are all contributing. This can be done by providing food for fellowship, or by helping with setup and cleanup. We also need to make sure that we are growing spiritually by participating in a Life Group, coming to our mid-week bible study, and helping our children by volunteering as a Sunday School teacher. And lastly, let us make sure that we are committed to missions. For the past few years, we have only participated in missions by financially supporting various missionaries. In 2017, I hope and pray that we can reboot our short-term mission trips. To that end, I am seeking volunteers to join our missions committee. Send me a quick note if you are interested. As your pastor, I am excited to see what God has in store for us as we begin our new chapter at The Well. To God be the Glory!