“Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD.” – Leviticus 19:32
Today we say farewell to a lifelong member of The Well Church, Evelyn Smith. She has been attending this church since 1955. Here are some facts from that year:
- Average cost of new house: $10,950.00
- Average monthly rent: $87.00
- Minimum hourly rate: $1.00
- Average cost of new car: $1,900.00
- Gallon of gas: $0.23
- McDonalds was first opened.
- The TV remote control becomes public.
- The microwave was invented.
- Lego was invented.
- “In God We Trust” appears on paper currency.
The other day, I asked Evelyn for her favorite bible verse. After giving some thought she said, “Trust in the LORD with all you heart and do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). I find it interesting that the year she starting to worship at The Well was the first year “In God We Trust” appeared on our dollar bills. Fast forward 61 years and now there is a lawsuit filed by atheists to remove the phrase from our currency. Whether the atheists succeed or not is irrelevant. What matters most is our faith – to trust in God. Evelyn has demonstrated this faithfully for the past 61 years. As we say farewell to her, let us fully embrace the legacy she leaves to us. Let us trust in God and acknowledge him always. Thank you, Evelyn Smith. We will miss you!