Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I am writing this Pastor's Corner from Canada while vacationing with my family. During my time away, I spent some time reflecting on 2016 as I was planning for the new year. I know that many are happy to see 2016 end, as it was a "horrible" year for them. I honestly believe that it's because we have a tendency to focus on the negatives. Here's my 2016 top ten list of what I am grateful for at The Well.
- 52 Sundays of Christ-Centered Worship Services
- Births of Caroline M and Ryan K
- Dedication of our Lil' Well teachers, Worship team, Well Fed team, and LINC team
- Our Elders, Deacons, and ministry leaders
- Our care kit assembly with World Vision
- Baptism of Jaye L
- Christmas Eve service that brought healing at a broken church
- Pastor Junhee's dedication and service
- Evelyn's legacy of faith passed onto us as she moved
- Our independence becoming a reality after years of prayer
This partial list was only possible because of two things: God's faithfulness and YOU! So in addition to being thankful to God, I am grateful for you, the congregation of The Well. As I pray and seek God's guidance for this year, He is reminding me to share this with you -- Do your best and let God do the rest. As we continue to transition and transform, let us always focus on our all powerful, never changing, and loving God. As it is written in Proverbs 16:3 , let us commit our work to the Lord, and trust that our plans will be established.