Don't Give Up
As a planner, I like to know every detail of a project. Whether it is moving, remodeling, or vacationing, I like to just know what’s next. It’s not necessarily wanting to be in control, but it is more about eliminating surprises in life. After all, who likes surprises? However, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I often feel like God does not reveal every detail of life. Although complete trust and faith are required, life would be a lot easier if he did layout his plans. Let’s look at one case, Jesus bringing back Lazarus from the dead. We all know that the story has a happy ending. Lazarus, after being dead for four days, is brought back to life. But before Lazarus died and was ill, Jesus said, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it” (John 11:4). So, upon hearing this, those with genuine faith would trust that Lazarus would not die. However, there is a twist to this story. Lazarus dies! Not just for one day, but for four days. Humanly speaking, Lazarus was dead and had no chance to live. It’s not like he was dead for a few minutes. He had been dead for four days! All those who put their trust in Jesus were greatly disappointed. He was too late. Jesus did not deliver. Life often feels this way, where it seems foolish to follow Jesus Christ. It seems like Jesus did not deliver on time. Even in our church life at The Well, we feel as though we missed our golden opportunity to be the great church we could have been. Whether it is your home life, work life, or church life, God has a message for you. DON’T GIVE UP! What seems impossible to us is not impossible for God. In John 11:43, Jesus says these three words to Lazarus — “Lazarus, come out!” And Lazarus simply walks out of the tomb. Brothers and sisters, let us not give up on God. It is never too late for Jesus. Let us place our hope and trust in God by remaining faithful to his promises. God has given us the vision to be a place where all who are thirsty can come and drink from the wells of salvation. Let us be ready and available to be the church God is calling us to be, no matter how dry the well looks. As it is written, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).