Outdo One Another

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. - Romans 12:9-10, 13

What are marks of a true Christian? The Apostle Paul teaches us in the Book of Romans that one of them is genuine love. How do we show this genuine love? We genuinely love by outdoing one another in showing honor. As a noun, honor means “esteem, value, or great respect.” To honor someone is to value the person highly. To outdo someone in showing honor means to take the lead in honoring and showing honor with eagerness. Regardless of one’s title or position, we are commanded by Scripture to outdo one another in the church; to outdo the person sitting next to you, whether that person is a family member, co-worker, neighbor, or stranger. This is what it means to be a true Christian. This is what it means to be the true church. The Well Church, if we are a community of true Christians, then we must demonstrate this kind of love. Therefore, let us make this our challenge each week - to outdo one another in showing honor. For some of us, this may mean that we must relate to one another in a whole new way. We need to know the person, not just the person’s name and occupation, but their interests, strengths, gifts, opinions, and struggles. Brothers and sisters in Christ, we can only honor those around us when we understand Jesus’ love for his people, and that each person at our church matters to God. This is how we become the true church that Jesus calls his bride. So let us outdo one another and contribute to the needs of those around us, amen?


Holy Conviction


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