Persistent Prayer

When they heard these words, some of the people said, “This really is the Prophet.” Others said, “This is the Christ.” But some said, “Is the Christ to come from Galilee? Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David, and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David was?” So there was a division among the people over him. Some of them wanted to arrest him, but no one laid hands on him. - John 7:40-44

John records that the result of people encountering Jesus was division. Some thought he was the Prophet, as in the next Moses, and others regarded him as the Messiah. And another group dismissed him altogether. In the three groups, we see the advancement of their understanding. One group correctly followed Jesus as the Christ, whereas the second group saw Jesus only as the Prophet. And the last group had no understanding at all.

Dear Church, people will respond similarly when we share the good news of Jesus Christ. Do not be surprised when people either accept the good news as truth, some of the truth, or reject it altogether. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit would work in their hearts so they may see the truth.


No other speaks like Jesus!


God's Wisdom