Did you take your nap?

2  He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
3  He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Psalm 23:2–3

As parents, we sometimes face the challenge of getting our children to take a nap. When they don't, they become cranky and challenging, but when they do, they are pleasant, joyful, and happy. In today's text, David sings about the rest and renewal our Good Shepherd provides us, just like a nap does for our children.

We often feel drained and overwhelmed in our busy lives, carrying the weight of responsibilities, worries, and disappointments. Our Good Shepherd, the LORD, knows what we need even before we ask. He understands our weariness and desires to provide rest for our souls. He leads us to green pastures, where we can find care for our spirit, and our hearts can be filled with the strength and courage we need to face the world again.

With our souls refreshed and renewed, the LORD guides us along the right paths. He does this for our benefit and for the sake of His name. As we walk in His ways, we become a living testimony of His grace, mercy, and love.

Dear Church, as we navigate life's challenges, let us not forget the Shepherd who longs to care for us. Let us be willing to pause, rest in His presence, and allow Him to refresh our weary souls. May we trust in His guidance, knowing He will lead us on the path of righteousness for His name's sake.


Dark Shadows

