Seek Him
Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, "Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?" John 14:22
Judas' question reflects the curiosity of many believers today. We may wonder why God's presence and revelation seem more evident to some and less apparent to others. We long to witness miraculous displays of His power and wonders that would convince the world of His reality. However, Jesus' response reminds us of the truth that lies within this hope.
Jesus had been speaking to His disciples about the promise of the Holy Spirit. He made it clear that the world, with its spiritual blindness, would not be able to see Him. But His disciples would experience a special revelation of His presence.
Judas' question shows us a genuine desire for a greater manifestation of Christ. It reveals a thirst for a deeper understanding and encounter with God. Developing a similar longing for His presence is essential in our Christian walk. We should seek to know Him and earnestly seek His truth.
Dear Church, remember that our God is faithful to reveal Himself to those who seek Him. Open your heart and mind to His Word, Spirit, and presence. As you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.