Write the Bible

“And when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself in a book a copy of this law, approved by the Levitical priests. Deuteronomy 17:18

Every word within the Bible holds significance, and the actual words themselves are important. Therefore, going beyond just reading it and learning to concentrate and explore the text in-depth can be truly rewarding. Taking the time to write down the Scriptures encourages a deeper connection with the text, and the experience can be joyful.

The responsibility of recording and copying the Scriptures was given to the scribes in the Old Testament. People like Ezra were responsible for passing down God's truths to the next generation. The Masoretes, who were meticulous and reverent in their work, provided us with the text of the Old Testament. Interestingly, these scribes also became teachers of the law. The more familiar you are with the Scriptures, the better equipped you'll be to share them with others.

Kings were instructed to write out their copy of the law. Imagine King David, despite having many scribes and servants, personally writing out the Mosaic law, as required in Deuteronomy 17:18. Writing the Scriptures allows you to reflect on them and apply their teachings to your life. This practice applies to everyone, including leaders, for only as we know God can we walk in righteousness. 

Dear Church, as we have begun to write passages from God's Word, I urge you to stay the course! You might discover something new and insightful when you write down what you have only read before on paper.

**Adopted from Scott Pauley


An Introduction


Abide in Christ