Intentional Reflection

Between Christmas and New Year’s Day is a great time to reflect on the past year. As 2018 comes to an end, I want to encourage you to spend time in intentional reflection. Intentional reflection requires slowing down to listen to God, to others, and to oneself. The following exercise, adopted from Arrow Leadership, should take about an hour to complete. Take the time and space you need to respond to the following questions about 2018.

• What’s been the most difficult?

• What surprised you most?

• What are you grateful for?

• Where did you fail and what did you 
learn from it?

• What’s been disappointing?

• Where have you been stretched and grown?

• What have you been encouraged by?

• Where do you see blessings from struggle?

• How have you seen God at work in your life?

• What have you learned about God?

As you begin to look ahead to 2019, reflect on:

• What might be on God’s heart for you in 2019?

• What are your big priorities for 2019?

• What are you looking forward to in 2019?

• Is there an area of your character God may want to grow?

• Are there some key people you want/need to spend more time with?

• What spiritual and life rhythms/habits do you need to get in place?

May God enrich you as you intentionally spend time with God.


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