Generosity - Our DNA

Today, Bethany Church in Wayne is celebrating her 30th anniversary. It is a tremendous testimony to what God is doing in the Korean Christian community. Like all great stories, there is a story behind the story that involves our church. Bethany Wayne was birthed out of the generosity of the congregation who met here at 430 Main Street. What started out as an afternoon Korean worship service with 6 families has turned into one of the largest congregations in New Jersey. This humble beginning started here in our church, in this building. When I look around our sanctuary, it is hard to believe that a megachurch was birthed here. God used this church to expand His Kingdom, and for this we should be honored, grateful, and humbled. My hope and prayer is that this generosity would be our DNA at The Well. Speaking of generosity, we received a thank you letter from the Borough of Fort Lee. Our donation from the Love Does offering covered 25% of the Borough’s budget for families in need. This is another way we are making an impact in our community. Thank you, The Well Church for your generosity! Let us continue to be the light and salt for our community.


Is it OK to celebrate Halloween?


Pastor's Corner