Pastor's Corner
Welcome to our first Pastor’s Corner. This is where I can share a bit of what is on my mind. First, I wanted to let you know how much Susan and I appreciate last Sunday’s Installation Service. Every aspect of the service was special. I believe that we have experienced a glimpse of heaven during our service. It is my hope and prayer that we experience such power every Sunday at The Well. Second, as you are reading this, I am preaching in Wayne, NJ at Bethany UMC. As you may know, we are part of the Bethany UMC family. As such, we were asked to share resources with Wayne from time to time. As Pastor Bob Koo was scheduled to preach at The Well today, I have agreed to preach for the English Congregation at Bethany. Please pray for me as I present the gospel through my message. Third, I want to once again encourage you to join us on Wednesdays at 8 pm for our prayer service. Charles Spurgeon said, “The condition of the church may be very accurately gauged by its prayer meetings.” As we are facing a new chapter at The Well, let us pray and seek His guidance.