Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine’s Day! For many florists, it’s the busiest day of the year. According to one study, 198 million roses are produced for Valentine’s Day. The prices of roses rise around 40 percent around the country as Americans spend more than $2.1 billion on flowers. Here’s another sad statistic: 15% of women send themselves flowers on Valentine’s Day. There may be many reasons for this, however, I believe that it reflects how lonely they feel and how they want to feel special. I believe that we do the same at church. We often “buy ourselves flowers” by hiding our struggles and pretending that life is perfect. In reality, we all have struggles and we are not perfect. The Apostle Paul teaches in Galatians to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” (6:2). In order to carry our burdens, we need to share our burdens with one another. On this Valentine’s Day, let us remember Christ’s love for us and one another. Let us open up to one another and share our burdens with one another. Life Group and Selah @ The Well are perfect places for this. Let us fulfill the law of Christ by loving our neighbor as ourselves.