HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! I welcome you as we join with all the churches around the world in celebrating the empty tomb, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Everything that Christians believe hinges on the fact that Christ is risen from the dead. Our belief in this simple Easter story and trust in the One who is risen gives us Life, Joy, Hope, and Restoration! As we celebrate today, let us also remember that we are called to commit ourselves to the truth and the fellowship (Acts 2:42). At The Well Church, truth is proclaimed on Sundays and fellowship is observed at our Life Groups. If you do not belong to a Life Group, would you consider joining one of the many groups offered at The Well Church today? You can signup by emailing me. Let us be the church God has called us to be and experience his resurrection power in our lives. HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN, INDEED!