The People v. O.J. Simpson

The popular hit TV series "The People v. O.J. Simpson" came to an end this past Tuesday. Although we all know the outcome, a not-guilty verdict, viewers paid close attention to the series finale. There are still questions and theories concerning O.J.'s innocence. Throughout the series, you see how some were convinced that O.J. was innocent and others including his close friends had doubts. O.J. maintained his innocence throughout the TV series. Like O.J., all of us will face a Judge on the Day of Judgment, but, unlike O.J. Simpson, no one would doubt that we are guilty. When we face the Judge, he will see us guilty, an open-and-shut case -- unless we have Jesus Christ as our Defender. According to First John, "We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." As an Advocate, he demands justice -- justice that comes with the price that Jesus had already paid with this death for our sins. Jesus is saying to his Father, "When you look at him/her you have to see Me." This is the Good News that we must remember every day, as we face the bitterness of life. Let us make sure that Jesus Christ, the righteous one, is our Advocate by believing in his completed work on the Cross.


Biblical Worship
