One Year Anniversary
Last Sunday marked my one-year anniversary of coming to The Well. It is hard to believe how quickly 12 months has passed. My mentor would always tell me that an anniversary is a good time to reflect on different aspects of my year. One of the hardest reflection questions for me is, “If you had to describe the past year in 3 words, what would they be?” As I prayed and reflected upon the past 12 months, I have come up with the following 3 words: TRANSITION, LEARNING, and PREPARATION. The past year has been a year of TRANSITION for all of us at The Well. The Well has been without a lead pastor for a few years, and now, like a marriage, you and I are transitioning into being a covenant community. I believe that we are still discovering each other, but I do feel like TRANSITION is a good word to describe what took place the past 12 months. I also think that we are both LEARNING — how to lead and how to be led. Coming from a mega-church, I am LEARNING the difference between being a generalist versus a specialist. I am also LEARNING about the cultural differences between Orange County, NY and Fort Lee, NJ. And lastly, I sense that God has PREPARED us and is PREPARING us to do His work. Jesus said, ”The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Luke 10:2). He is PREPARING us to do Kingdom work. As I look towards the future, I’m excited to see what the LORD has in store for us. Thank you for making my first year at The Well a great one.