Led more by Jesus
This weekend I am away in Vancouver, B.C., attending Arrow Leadership’s board meeting. Arrow Leadership strives to develop leaders who are led more by Jesus, who lead more like Jesus, and who lead more to Jesus. As a board member and graduate of Arrow Leadership, I am passionate about developing leaders for God’s Kingdom. I also believe that we are all leaders, meaning that God can and will use us to influence those around us for His Kingdom. The question is, “Are you willing and able to be used by Jesus?” Leadership doesn’t come with titles or positions. Leadership comes from influencing those around you. My dream is that everyone at The Well Church will be ready and willing to lead — be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus, and lead more to Jesus. Leading is not just the responsibility of the lead pastor, it is the responsibility of all of us. So, I encourage you today to take the first step and be led more by Jesus. Surrender your will to Jesus and yield to Him. Together, let us expand God’s Kingdom. I believe we can do this together!