Our Gifts

This past Monday there was a power outage at Delta's Atlanta headquarters.  At the end of the day, Delta had canceled 1,000 flights and another 530 flights on Tuesday. Aviation experts believe that this incident will cost Delta Airlines tens of millions of dollars. Power outages happen everywhere, but for Delta, some critical systems and network equipment did not switch over to their backup systems. Whether it was a human failure or a system failure, the automatic failover switch did not function properly. This seemingly minor system, which is only needed in the rare case of a power failure, proved to be disastrous to the company. Just as one component is critical to a complex airline system, I believe that God's Church functions the same way. Every person is critical in accomplishing the mission of the church. First Corinthians 12:14 says, "For the body does not consist of one member but of many." We all matter not only to God, but to each other. It may seem like you do not matter much here at The Well Church and you are not making a difference, but your involvement is vital to the health of God's church. So, the next time you feel insignificant, try to remember this incident at Delta Airlines that costed tens of millions of dollars and stranded tens of thousands of travelers around the world. Your talents and gifts are not only important at The Well, but are also needed. Would you consider using your gifts for God today?




Trust in the LORD