Trust in the LORD

Last week at our congregational meeting, I announced that we will be operating as an independent church on September 1, 2016. This is an exciting time for us where we are called to trust God and follow Him. As the “Moses and the Torah” sermon series is coming to an end next week, I see how God has been preparing us for the future. Just like the Israelites, who were asked to completely trust in God, we, The Well Church, are called to trust in God completely. Trusting God requires faith, and faith leads to life. I believe that our call as a church is to lead people from death to life:  to connect people to our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of Living Water. Proverbs 3:5-6 states, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” On our journey, there will be times when we “grumble” like the Israelites did in Exodus. We tend to grumble when things do not go our way, when we lean on our own understanding. As we face a new chapter at The Well, let us embrace fully in what God is doing in our midst. Let us trust Him that he will make straight our paths as we partner with Him. Let us remember to live out our calling, which is “to see people saved, transformed, empowered, and sent for the glory of God.” This great mission starts with you and me drinking from the Living Water. Then, let us invite people to The Well, where they can come and drink, believe, trust, and receive. 


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