We Will Miss You, Fort Lee
Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you" (Genesis 12:1).
Today is a bittersweet day for The Well Church -- it is the last day we will be worshipping in Fort Lee. Throughout the years, The Well Church has gone through a lot of changes. We had three lead pastor changes, numerous assistant pastors and interns, meeting at a local school during the building renovation, saying goodbye to members who left us, and saying hello to new friends and families. Fort Lee has been a very special place for us, whether or not we have been at The Well Church for a long time. However, in this new chapter, God is calling us to a new location. We will have to leave behind what is familiar to us and journey to the unknown. As we are following God, I can appreciate what Abram, Moses, Joshua, and others in the Bible had to go through. The common theme for them, and us, is that we can face uncertainty by trusting in the one who is certain -- our God. The Well Church, as we say goodbye to Fort Lee, let us embrace what God has to offer in the unknown. Let us not focus on the unknown, but focus on Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Despite our lack of faith, Jesus has been faithful to us. As God is calling us to "Go!" let us follow Him and make ourselves available for Him.