Unless the LORD Builds...
Today (7/9/17) is our second service in our new location. Whether you know it or not, a lot of work has been done by many of our members to make this a reality. We have rented a truck and moved our belongings from Fort Lee, soundproofing insulation was installed in the ceiling of our sanctuary, the sound system was installed and tested, video monitors and the necessary wiring were professionally installed, and, of course, the clean up. If you were any part of the move, I want to thank you. Without you, we would not be able to worship here today. I also want to acknowledge and thank our host church, Canaan Korean Community Church for allowing us to worship here and trusting us to serve our children together. Their leadership has taken a risk in opening their building for us. As I look at our church, I see that we still have a lot of work to do - paint the walls, install countertops in the cafe, register our van, etc. For all this, we need your help so stay tuned for upcoming announcements regarding opportunities to serve. In the midst of all this, God spoke to me through Psalm 127:1a, which says, "Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." What a timely reminder this is for you and me. We can work diligently day and night to build The Well, but unless the LORD builds The Well, our labor is in vain. I believe that this is a call to prayer. Let us pray that God builds His church at The Well. Let us partner with Him and ask the Holy Spirit to move mightily throughout not only our church, but the NY metro area. Let us not labor in vain.