Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)
This week, I would like to introduce to you our missions committee. The committee consists of Shalom and Jeannie Hii; Seunghan and Namie Koo; and me. For the past few months, the committee has been working and praying to introduce a new missions rhythm to our church. As you know, earlier this year I traveled to Southeast Asia to visit P&C, who have been faithfully serving God and the Z people, a minority people group. A few months ago, P&C shared their need for additional funds required to serve to support their growing family. The missions committee, with support from the elders of our church, recommended The Well Church to financially support P&C, and as of July, we have been financially supporting them on a monthly basis. This financial support is only the beginning. We are planning a short-term trip in August 2018 to support and encourage P&C and other workers in the area. On this trip, we will be running VBS (Vacation Bible School) for the MK’s (the worker’s children). The good news is that VBS will be conducted in English. so we don’t need to know the native language. In order for this trip to become a reality, we need a minimum of four adults to volunteer by the end of this year. Would you prayerfully consider going on this trip? I am confident and excited that God will use us, The Well Church, in accomplishing His mission to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Who's in?