
"You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound." - Psalm 4:7

What is joy? Our possessions or circumstances should not be the basis of our joy. In our text, David proclaims that his joy comes from knowing and trusting God. Martin Lloyd-Jones said,

"Joy is something very deep and profound, something that affects the whole and entire personality. In other words it comes to this; there is only one thing that can give true joy and that is contemplation of the Lord Jesus Christ. He satisfies my mind; He satisfies my emotions; He satisfies my every desire. He and His great salvation include the whole personality and nothing less, and in Him I am complete. Joy, in other words, is the response and the reaction of the soul to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ."

As we meditate on today's verse, brothers and sisters of The Well Church, let us remember to set our eyes on Jesus, knowing that our joy comes from the Lord. As one commentator notes, "Inward joy is lasting; happiness is temporary."

May the joy of the Lord be your strength today.


Sleepless Nights


Bold Prayer