Be filled

"And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." - Ephesians 5:21

In today's text, the Apostle Paul commends us to "submit to one another."  Although the idea of "mutual submission" can be derived from this text, the Apostle Paul did not have this definition in mind when he wrote this section of the letter. The ESV Study Bible explains,

"it is likely that submitting to one another means 'submitting to others according to the authority and order established by God,' as reflected in the examples that Paul gives in the following verses."

The basis of our submission to one another needs to be our reverence for Christ. We must 

"be filled with the Holy Spirit." - Ephesians 5:18b

The Well Church, let us submit ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we submit to one another.


Trust and Obey


Sleepless Nights