Time with God

After this Jesus and his disciples went into the Judean countryside, and he remained there with them and was baptizing. - John 3:22

How much time do you spend with God? After John records Jesus' interaction with Nicodemus (John 3:1-21), he points out that Jesus remained in the Judean countryside with his disciples. The disciples experienced life-change by communing with Jesus Christ. What is true for the disciples is true for believers, and we must remain in him to experience transformation in our lives.

How can we spend time with God? We commune with God through reading God's Word and prayer. Let me clarify this one thing; we do not need to read through the bible in one year! We often set ourselves up for failure by attempting to read through the bible in one year. Instead, let me encourage you to spend time with God regularly, whether 7 minutes a day or 7 hours a week. It does not matter. What matters is that you are spending time with God.

Dear Church, let us start today. Why not read through the gospel of John this week? Let us also make sure that we pray as we read along. Let us experience God's transforming power in our lives.

May God bless you and strengthen you as you spend time with him.


God First


Snow Day