Where is God leading you today?
And he had to pass through Samaria. - John 4:4
When Jesus left Judea to head back to the Galilee region, today's verse indicates that he had to pass through Samaria. Although the passage through Samaria was the most direct route to Galilee, strict Jews avoided that route to avoid defilement since the Jews viewed the Samaritans as "not even a people" (Sirach).
So, why was it necessary for Jesus to go through Samaria? The text may imply that the sovereign plan of God set Jesus' itinerary. Our God is sovereign, and he may lead us on questionable and uncomfortable paths. Wherever he leads us, we must trust and obey in faith.
Knowing that God is sovereign, brothers and sisters of the Well Church, let us trust in his leading at home, work, school, and church. Where is God leading you today?
May the Spirit give you the strength and courage to follow him.