Mount of Olives

They went each to his own house, but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. - John 7:53

How do you recover after a long week? Some like to take vacations, while others need a drink to wind down. In our text today, we see that Jesus does not head back home to rest, but he goes to the Mount of Olives to spend time with his Father. He needed not only to be restored physically but also spiritually, and he consistently demonstrated this throughout the gospels. As Jesus needed to spend time with His Father, we also need to commune with Him.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, do you regularly commune with God? Let us make sure we head to our "Mount of Olives" regularly and spend time with Him in word and prayer. We cannot afford not to.

May the Lord restore your soul today.

He restores my soul. - Psalm 23:3a




God's Word