Lord, behold!
Lazarus was ill. So the sisters sent to him, saying, “Lord, [behold,] he whom you love is ill.” - JOHN 11:2b-3
In today's sermon, we see that Mary and Martha, desperate for help, send a word to Jesus about Lazarus' illness. The message is a very simple one but to the point. They say, "Lord, BEHOLD, he whom you love is ill." Many English translations of the bible exclude BEHOLD, but I think keeping it in the text is essential. They are getting Jesus' attention by telling him, "Look..." When was the last time you started your prayer to the all-knowing, omniscient Jesus, "Look!" However, in their desperation, they cry out to Him. Not only do they cry out to Him for help, but they also remind Jesus that Lazarus is the one whom Jesus loves. In their prayer, they reminded Jesus that the basis of their relationship is love. They had so much confidence in their prayer!
Dear Church, is your relationship with Christ based on love, and is it as secure as Mary and Martha's? As God's children, let us boldly pray to God throughout the day, knowing He loves us.
But you, O GOD my Lord, deal on my behalf for your name's sake; because your steadfast love is good, deliver me. - PSALM 109:21