Father, forgive them…

And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Luke 23:34a

We will reflect on Jesus' last sayings on the cross for Holy Week. Today's saying is a powerful expression of Jesus' mercy and compassion, even amid His own suffering. Despite being unjustly accused, mocked, and beaten, Jesus asks His Father to forgive those who are responsible for His crucifixion. In doing so, He models the kind of love and forgiveness at the heart of the gospel message.

As we meditate on today's text, reflect and ponder upon these questions:

  • Who are the people in your life that you struggle to forgive?

  • How can you extend mercy and grace to those who have hurt you?

  • What prevents you from extending forgiveness, and how can you work to overcome them?

Dear Church, as we reflect and meditate on today's devotional, let us pray, asking God to give us the strength and willingness to forgive others, just as Jesus forgave us.

May the Lord bless you today as you seek Him.


An Invitation

