Do you know the way?

And you know the way to where I am going. John 14:4

Jesus told His disciples that they knew the way to where He was going during a time of uncertainty and impending separation. However, Jesus wanted His followers to understand that He was not leaving them without guidance. In today's verse, He reveals they already knew how to their heavenly home.

Jesus spoke to His disciples, who had spent significant time with Him, witnessing His teachings, miracles, and ministry. They should have come to know and understand the truth through their relationship with Him. In the same way, as followers of Christ today, we have been given the privilege of knowing the way to our heavenly home. We have access to the Word of God, which reveals the path to salvation and eternal life. Through the Scriptures, we learn about Jesus' teachings, His sacrificial death, and His resurrection, which provide us with the way to be reconciled with God. As we study and meditate on God's Word, the Holy Spirit guides us and deepens our understanding of the truth, illuminating the way before us.

Dear Church, remember that we know the way to our heavenly home through our relationship with Jesus Christ. Let us deepen our relationship with God through His Word, allowing it to transform us from the inside out. May we boldly declare Jesus as the only way to the Father and faithfully follow Him, trusting in His guidance and relying on His strength.


Are you a doubter?


Home Sweet Home