Friend of God

"You are my friends if you do what I command you." John 15:14

In today's text, Jesus offers us a profound revelation of our relationship with Him—a friendship marked by obedient love. This verse challenges us to examine our response to His commandments and invites us to a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be His friends.

Jesus elevates our relationship with Him to friendship, which is not distant or transactional but personal and intimate. He invites us to share in the depth of His heart and the purpose of His mission. As friends of Christ, we experience a unique closeness that goes beyond the boundaries of mere servitude.

Jesus states that true friendship with Him is demonstrated through obedience: "If you do what I command you." In this context, obedience isn't about fulfilling rules but expressing love. Our obedience is a response to His love for us. Just as friends respect each other's wishes out of care and consideration, our obedience to Christ's commands is an act of love that honors and glorifies Him.

Dear Church, let's embrace the privilege of being called friends of Christ. As we walk in obedient love, our lives reflect the beauty of this relationship. May we understand His heart, align our desires with His, and walk the path of obedience out of genuine love. Let's nurture this friendship, allowing it to transform us into vessels of His love, joy, and purpose.


No Longer Slaves


His Love