What can we do to achieve our mission?

 As listed in our bulletin, our mission is to connect people to God, one another, and the world. Part of this strategy is to give our very best on Sundays. Many believe that with great worship experiences — good preaching, excellent music, first-class children’s program, great fellowship, etc. — new people will naturally come. This is far from the truth. For a church to flourish, evangelism must be central to its life. Hoping that people will come to our great church cannot be our strategy. The Gospel Coalition recommends looking at your networks (family, neighborhood, vocational, recreational, and commercial) and do one of the following five tasks: 

  1. Pray for them—You’ll be surprised what happens when you begin to pray for the people in your path.

  2. Invite them—Invite them over to eat dinner, to play sports, to go to a movie, to come with you to a church event.

  3. Serve them—Identify a way that you can bless those in your networks. Babysit for them, pick up groceries for them, cut their grass, and so on.

  4. Give resources to them—Ask them to read a book or article with you, or to listen to a sermon or podcast. Discuss these resources with them.

  5. Share the gospel with them—Look for various places where you can talk about your faith. Let your friend know you are part of a church, and see if they ask questions. Listen to their problems with real concern, and then seize the opportunity to address the problems with gospel hope.

Let’s further discuss and brainstorm today at our family meeting in how we can let others know about our life-changing Savior. 


Would my actions honor God?


Forgiveness and Reconciliation