What does it mean to be a Christian? Some believe that Christians need to fight for their faith by attacking those who do not know Christ. This week, some Christians declared war against Starbucks for not “keeping Christ in Christmas” with their red holiday coffee cups. For the 2015 holiday season, Starbucks designed their red coffee cups without any holiday symbols. To that end, an “evangelist” started a movement on social media under #MerryChristmasStarbucks, which attempts to send a message to Starbucks to keep “Christ in Christmas.” As of this writing, the video has been viewed over 14 million times. This movement is a silly one, which has nothing to do with advancing the gospel. People are not introduced to Christ by drinking coffee from a “Christian” coffee cup. Many have mistaken defending Christian’s apparent rights from advancing the gospel. The truth is, #MerryChristmasStarbucks is a demonstration on how not to advance the gospel. Jesus did not come to be right, he came to make right. As we enter the holiday season, let us share the love of Christ with one another. “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).