Come and See
He said to them, "Come and you will see." - John 1:39a
Do you have much to spare? Most of us live such busy lives that we do not seem to have time for ourselves, whether being busy from work, home, church, school, or even catching up on the latest Netflix shows. The global pandemic has blurred the line between work and home that we don't even know when we are not working.
In today's text, Jesus invites two of his followers to come and see. They immediately follow Him. The invitation to come and see applies to all believers, including you and me. Do you have time to follow Jesus?
Brothers and sisters, we are only disciples of Jesus when we follow Him. We need to make time to follow Him. If you feel too busy to follow Him, I want to encourage you to examine your busy schedule and make the necessary adjustments to follow Jesus. His invitation still stands, "Come and see."