Drink, Draw, and Dig
After next Sunday, we will be worshipping at a different location. Although our zip code is changing, we are still the bride of Christ. As we prepare for our move, I thought it would be good for us to remember our roots. Here's an excerpt about us from our website that I wrote several years ago.
We are an authentic community of believers who gather weekly, to be honest before a real God. In a world that is pulling us in all different directions, we need a place to disengage from the world and re-engage with things that matter most -- God and people. Join us on Sundays - come as you are and see how free it is to be honest before God and his people.
DRINK Water is life; we need to drink water regularly for sustenance. At The Well Church, we strive to meet God face-to-face through authentic worship.
If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink - John 7:37
DRAW As a community, we rely on each other to draw water. Another way to describe this is discipleship. At The Well Church, we draw water from the wells of salvation and grow together.
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. - Isaiah 12:3
DIG We believe that we can only do missions as a community. At The Well Church, we roll up our sleeves and support missions, whether it is by praying, serving our local community, or encouraging missionaries around the world.
But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct
- 1 Peter 1:15
The Well Church, let us remember to Drink, Draw, and Dig as we follow Christ as His bride.