Christ in Ten Thousand Places

(for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), - Ephesians 5:9

In today's devotional, Marlena Graves said, "Indeed, as we remain in Christ and connected to one another, we know at a deep level that evil is the counterfeit, the shadow world. As Gerard Manley Hopkins described in his poem 'As Kingfishers Catch Fire,' we grow to see Christ playing 'in ten thousand places' and the glory of God shining everywhere. This is Advent light."

Dear Church, let us make every effort to remain in Christ and remain connected to one another. What can you do to stay connected with Christ and the church?

Read today’s devotional here.

Consider 2 Corinthians 4:4–6 and Ephesians 1:15–23; 5:8–11.

  • How do these passages describe what spiritual illumination looks like?

  • How has faith in Jesus—the Light— enlightened your own life?


Christmas Service


Delivered from Darkness