Risk Taker

[5] Trust in the LORD with all your heart,

and do not lean on your own understanding.

[6] In all your ways acknowledge him,

and he will make straight your paths.

[7] Be not wise in your own eyes;

fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.

[8] It will be healing to your flesh

and refreshment to your bones.

- Proverbs 3:5–8

Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of the most quoted Proverbs from Scripture. What does it look like to trust in God? It means that the Bible must repeal our thinking. We cannot just agree with the Bible, but we must obey God's word completely.

Verse 7 reminds us that humility is required for us to trust and fear God and turn away from evil. And when we walk in his way, healing and refreshing will come.

Dear Church, God calls us to take risks by trusting in him wholeheartedly. What risks are you taking today?


Last Sayings of Jesus (1)


Hate the sin, love the sinner?