Right Judgment
Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment. - John 7:24
What are your motives when you behave correctly? Is it gain one's favor? Or is it to avoid punishment? It isn't easy to know and discern one's true motives. However, when we judge, we can only look at the person's outward appearance and expression.
A true judge's delight is in fear of the Lord. Isaiah points out that God will judge with righteousness.
He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear, but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; - Isaiah 11:3b-4a
How can we judge with "right judgment?" We need moral and theological discernment, which comes from faith. As Jesus said in chapter 7,
If anyone's will is to do God's will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority. - John 7:17
Dear Church, as we walk with Christ, let us first make sure that we are congruent with our implicit motive and explicit behavior. A simple litmus test is to answer the question, "Why you do what you do?" Second, let us "judge with right judgment" by trusting in God and living a life of obedience through the power of the Holy Spirit. In other words, let us surrender entirely to Him today and every day.