Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
PSALM 32:1-2
What makes you happy? In our quest for happiness, we often look for it in external circumstances such as material possessions, achievements, or relationships. But true happiness, according to today's text, is found in something more profound and transformative: forgiveness. In Psalm 32:1-2, David speaks of the joy and happiness that comes from forgiveness of sins and a restored relationship with God.
What does this mean for us?
First, it means that we cannot make ourselves happy, and our attempt to achieve happiness will always be temporary. Pure joy and happiness can only come from God.
Second, true happiness is found in the living God through the forgiveness of sins and a restored relationship with Him. We must be willing to acknowledge our sins and confess them to God rather than trying to hide or cover them up. We must take the posture of humility and vulnerability and let go of our pride and self-reliance.
Dear Church, during this Lenten season, let us seek God's grace and forgiveness, which leads to blessedness and happiness, trusting that Christ has already paid the price for our sins on the cross of Calvary. And let us rejoice in the Lord always, knowing that He is the source of true joy that transcends all external circumstances.
May you experience the fullness of His joy today.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.