Pure and Genuine
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27
In today's text, we are given a picture of what God regards as pure and genuine religion. The criteria presented are not elaborate worship, eloquent prayers, or a long list of do's and don'ts but acts of love and a heart of purity.
To visit orphans and widows in their affliction is a call to acts of love. In biblical times, orphans and widows were among the most vulnerable in society and often forgotten. Today, we can extend this call to any who are marginalized or oppressed, who are lonely or in pain. Jesus modeled this throughout His life, continually reaching out to them. He saw and met them with love.
The second part of today's text encourages us to keep ourselves "unstained from the world," a call to holiness, separating from worldly influence. This does not mean we should isolate ourselves from society but guard against being influenced by the world's values that conflict with God's. It's a call to stay pure in a world that often glorifies impurity, to choose truth when lies are commonplace, and to walk in love when hatred seems the easier path.
Dear Church, let us take a moment to examine our hearts and lives. Are you practicing pure and genuine religion as described in James 1:27? Examine your lifestyle as well. Are there areas where the world's influence leads you away from God? Pray for discernment and strength to resist these influences.