Teach to observe

Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:20b

In the Great Commission, Jesus not only commands us to make disciples but also emphasizes the vital role of teaching. Teaching is significant in nurturing and guiding others in their spiritual walk. It involves more than simply imparting knowledge; it calls us to help others observe and apply the teachings of Christ in their lives. Today, we will explore the importance of teaching and its transformative power in the discipleship process.

Teaching involves imparting the truths found in God's Word to disciples. As we open the Scriptures and share its wisdom and guidance, we equip others to follow Christ through the power of God's Word. Through this instruction, disciples gain a solid foundation and develop a deeper relationship with God. Teaching helps them discern the will of God and navigate the complexities of life with biblical wisdom.

Effective teaching goes beyond theological understanding; it challenges disciples to apply what they have learned. Jesus instructs us to teach others to "observe" all He has commanded. In the practical application of God's Word, transformation occurs, and disciples grow in their faith.

Dear Church, as followers of Christ, we are called to teach, guide, and nurture others in their walk with God. It is a significant responsibility and privilege to teach them to observe all that Jesus has commanded. When we faithfully fulfill this role, others are equipped to live out their faith, experiencing transformed lives.

Let us embrace the call to disciple others, knowing we play a part in transforming lives and impacting generations. May our discipleship be rooted in love, guided by the Holy Spirit, and centered on Christ's teachings. As we faithfully heed the Great Commission by making disciples, we participate in building God's kingdom on earth.

As we pray for those we are discipling, let us also pray for those who are discipling us.


Let's Roll


Make Disciples