Prince of Peace

Peace I leave with you; the peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27

As the disciples were facing uncertainty and fear, Jesus promised His peace to them. The peace that Jesus offers transcends the world's understanding, for it is not simply the absence of conflict or the calm after a storm. Jesus' peace brings comfort, strength, and hope during chaos and unrest.

Jesus assures His disciples and us that He leaves His peace. This peace is not manufactured by worldly means; it originates from the Prince of Peace. When Jesus offers His peace, He imparts a peace that surpasses human understanding and finds its origin in the very heart of God.

Jesus emphasizes that His peace is not as the world gives. The world's peace is often conditional, reliant on external circumstances or temporary solutions. It can be easily broken by challenges and uncertainties. All peace treaties on earth are temporary. In contrast, Jesus' peace remains steadfast and unyielding, even in the midst of life's storms. It is not dependent on the world's ever-changing conditions but is grounded in the eternal truths of God's love and faithfulness.

The disciples were deeply troubled by the knowledge of Jesus' imminent departure. Fear gripped their hearts as they faced an uncertain future without their beloved Teacher. In the face of their distress, Jesus speaks words of comfort and courage, urging them not to be troubled or afraid. His peace is the antidote to fear, a divine assurance that His presence and love will sustain them through all trials.

Dear Church, as we meditate on Jesus' words, let us hold fast to the promise of His peace. It is a gift beyond human comprehension, a peace that originates from the heart of God and is given to all who know Him. As we face uncertainty, anxiety, and unrest, let us anchor our souls in the unshakable peace that only Jesus can provide.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7


Our Omniscient God


Teaching and Remembering