Our Omniscient God
And now I have told you before it takes place, so that when it does take place you may believe. John 14:29
Today's passage is a part of Jesus' upper room discourse. Jesus informs His disciples of the forthcoming events so that they might have faith when they occur. Jesus' words reflect two comforting attributes of God: His omniscience (all-knowing nature) and His love for us. He knows everything that is to come; nothing is beyond His sight or understanding, and He imparts this knowledge not to alarm but to prepare and strengthen our faith.
This prophecy, and many others that Jesus fulfilled, serve as evidence that He is who He says He is—the Messiah, the Son of God, our Savior. Every prophecy fulfilled was a promise kept, further proving His faithfulness and sovereignty.
We may not always understand God's plan for us, but He gives us enough insight through His Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to navigate our lives. We are encouraged to trust Him and believe in His promises, even when we cannot fully know what lies ahead. He does not abandon us; He walks with us through every moment.
Dear Church, in uncertain times, let's find comfort in Jesus' message to His disciples: God knows what is ahead, and He is in control. Let's reflect on the many ways in which God has proven His faithfulness in our lives and the lives of others. May these reflections strengthen your faith, reminding you that God, who is all-knowing, will guide and keep you.